
IoT-UPnP require python 3.x. It use the following modules:

  • asyncio: for the main event loop
  • ssdp: base library for SSDP (a component of UPnP)
  • netifaces: Network interfaces discovery (to retrieve IPs)

They are tree important objects:

class upnp.Announcer(device, httpPort=5000, netBind='')

Annoncer main class

See upnp.UPnP.Announcer

class upnp.Device(obj=None)

An UPnP device on the Network

See upnp.Objects.Device

class upnp.Service(obj=None)

A service on a device

See upnp.Objects.Service

All objects can be set with theirs attributes or by passing a dict on the contructor.


UPnP device have services that need to be announced. Services can be controlled and work as SOAP api. The class Announcer is used to anounce a device which have one or many services.

On UPnP references, a device can also have many embedded devices.

To make a UPnP device, you need to make a service, add this service to a device and them, announce this device as a root device.